Learning about how to use simple physics to create the best hover craft with balloons, water bottle cap and a disc. The main goal is for students to learn how to go back and re-design. You are to teach them how make a simple hover craft but after that the students must figure out how to make their hover craft run longer and go farther distances. It will be a competition between teams and you can use the hallway to run your tests. If students get stuck give them ideas about more balloons, adding or removing weight, and balance.
Make a light-up Valentine’s Day Card with some LEDs and copper tape.
Build a rocket and launch it with the force of water from a garden hose. This project explains the forces of propulsion and gravity.
Learning about the science behind spectroscopes by making one.
In this activity, the students will learn more about the Leporidae and how they bounce by making their cups bounce.
Students will create a circuit that will allow them to control a RGB light using potentiometers.
This activity can also be done using Tinkercad circuits: https://www.tinkercad.com/circuits.
Learning about simple electrical circuits by making a LED torch. By building a mechanism which allows the user to open and close the electrical circuit, resulting in the LED bulb turning on and off, students will learn the basics of how current is directed in simple circuits.