iMovie - Create a video game trailer

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Apple Technology
This activity is intended for {{audience}}
Grade 1 - 8
We have performed this activity at 10 sessions. The activity has received an overall 5 out of five from 10 reviews.
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Learning Goals

The Arts 2029. communicate feelings, thoughts, and abstract ideas through drama works, using audio, visual, and/or technological aids to heighten the dramatic experience (e.g., use music to create mood; use video and drums/noisemakers to signal the climax; use a digital slide presentation to create a backdrop of words or images; use costumes, props, fabric to establish character and/or setting)
Grade 7 - DRAMA. B1.4

The Arts 2029. communicate feelings, thoughts, and abstract ideas through drama works, using audio, visual, and/or technological aids for specific purposes and audiences (e.g., music/soundtracks to intensify audience reaction; video as counterpoint to action or to add details; costumes, props, fabric to establish character and setting; an audio recording of a soundscape to accompany and reinforce ideas and feelings in a mimed sequence)
Grade 8 - DRAMA. B1.4

The Arts 2009. communicate feelings and ideas to a familiar audience (e.g., classmates) using a few simple visual or technological aids to support and enhance their drama work (e.g., use a sheer cloth moved quickly to represent water; use a rainstick or shaker to create a sense of mystery or magic; use a variety of classroom objects to create a play area for specific dramatic play experiences)
Grade 3 - DRAMA. B1.4
Grade 2 - DRAMA. B1.4
Grade 1 - DRAMA. B1.4

The Arts 2009. communicate thoughts, feelings, and ideas to a specific audience, using audio, visual, and/or technological aids to enhance their drama work (e.g., use dimmed lights, black lights, and music to suggest a mood; project images with an overhead/data projector; use a microphone to enhance or create sound effects or amplify narration [such as a spirit communication in an Aboriginal story])
Grade 4 - DRAMA. B1.4

The Arts 2009. communicate thoughts, feelings, and ideas to a specific audience, using audio, visual, and/or technological aids to achieve specific dramatic effects (e.g., shine a spotlight on a performer who is making a key point; use a clash of cymbals to highlight a pivotal moment)
Grade 5 - DRAMA. B1.4

The Arts 2009. communicate feelings, thoughts, and ideas to a specific audience, using audio, visual, and/or technological aids to strengthen the impact on the viewer (e.g., use a data projector to project evocative imagery; use filters and gels to create unusual effects with lighting; use music to suggest a mood; use masks to highlight specific character traits)
Grade 6 - DRAMA. B1.4